Friday, July 25, 2014

National Championship Air Races 2014

Well here we are with July almost done.  The crews are working long hours preparing their steeds.  The work never ends.  A little recap from last year.  Precious Metals racing engine developed issues and they had to pull it and replace with stock engine and pilot Thom Richard flew it from Florida.  During qualifying Voodoo flew with a special motor and then changed it out with the racing motor, strategy.  During qualifications Matt Jackson in Strega lost part of the canopy and had to make a successful emergency landing.  They found another one, did the modifications and started in the Bronze class racing on Friday to win his way back to the Gold Class. #232 an Hawker Seafury sustained damage to the engine and cowling forcing a Mayday and emergency landing.  This is just a small sample of how racing week is in Reno Air Races.

This year
   -Voodoo teams is working hard on the engines and airframe preparing for this year

   - Strega is pretty quiet as Tiger is back at the controls

   - Precious Metal teams is working on their racing motor for the races

   - Several Hawker Seafuries will be there again
        + 232

        + Dreadnaught

        + Sawbones

Just to mention a few

Then you have the Rare Bear (Bearcat) and either Here Kitty or LaPatrona  (Tigercat) flown by Rod Lewis.

Now that is just the unlimited, you have  formula one,biplanes, T-6's, Sport, and Jet that have just as much work and excitement.

Now I challenge the young aeronautical engineers to come up with your version of an unlimited class airplane, build it and race it.  We need some new blood and new styles of racing planes to start replacing our cherished WWII airplanes.

Monday, June 30, 2014

2014 Reno Air Races

OK June is done today.  Do you have your tickets to the National Championship Air Races (NCAR) yet?  If not be sure to get them and a room for the races (September 11-14).  This year is going to be very interesting.  The Jet class and the Sport Class have a few more new comers so the field will be bigger for more excitement.  Also Tiger Destefani has attended the Pylon Racing School (PRS) in June to re certify to race Strega (P-51D) in September.  He says Steven Hinton Jr. needs some competition who will be flying Voodoo (P-51D) which won last year.  Steven Hinton Jr. is a four time Gold winner and Tiger Destefani is an seven time Gold winner.  This should be fun to watch the old school vs the new school.  Reno Air Racing Association has announced the will be having live music during the air racing with concerts in the evenings.  There should be something for everyone.  Share with your friends and come out and enjoy a few days of awesome aviation.  See you there in September and remember to bring sunscreen as there is very little shade on the tarmac and the stands.

Friday, June 6, 2014

Reno Air Races 2014

Well it getting closer to that magical time of year where the best world class aviators gather in Reno, Nevada to thrill the audience with racing, aerobatics, jet precession flying and our military demonstration to blow your mind September 10-14 2014.  This event is entering the 51st year and is becoming more and more exciting by the minute.  They are planning a press release soon to share the changes to make your experience there more enjoyable.  Here are some pictures of past planes to enjoy till you come and experience for your self.  The website for the Reno Air Racing Association (RARA) is .

Monday, March 17, 2014

Reno National Championship Air Races 2014 are a go!


Well folks it looks like the annual Reno National Championship Air Races (NCAR) is on for 2014.  They have raised all the necessary funds to make another year.  What this also means that the purse could be higher to hopefully bring in more contestants.  The Air Races will be celebrating their 51st year and hope to bring in more air racing fans.  During the past races the need for the younger generation to participate and lead the charge is now critical.  Younger pilots, owners and aeronautical engineers are needed to develop planes for the unlimited class to replace the old world war II fighters which for us old farts has a place in our hearts with their glorious history.  I have seen concept designs by artists that would be real cool if it was built, tested and certified.  But hey, that's for the future.  There are 6 classes to choose from now.  Formula 1, Biplanes, Sport, T-6's, Jet, and Unlimited.  If you know someone racing or pick one to follow, it will become exciting.  Be part of the next 50 years and establish your legacy or even rivalries for the fans to cheer on.  So make those reservations and get those tickets and pit passes now.  Mark the calendar for September 10-14 2014.  I will be posting updates and hopefully a little history for you to enjoy.

P-51XR Precious Metal 2012