Friday, November 11, 2011

Just wanted to say that the new 2x III Canon Extender is an awesome piece of glass.  I used it in Reno during the 48th annual National Air Race Championship in September and was blown away by its quality and performance.  The weak link is me and I was working on that when the accident occured.  Under low light I still got some quality shots.  I used the 2X III extender with my 70-200 f 2.8 IS USM II with my 40D Canon camera.  Canon, you did good....

Friday, September 30, 2011

Reno Air Racing Association is not Unsafe

It amazes me how quickly people want to assign blame without all the facts.  I have heard some legal eagles want to sue Reno Air Racing Association (RARA) for unsafe practices.  I started attending the Air Races in 2009 as a spectator then 2010 and 2011 as the Media.  Safety is the focus of RARA.  The Media is required each and every morning to attend a safety brief to discuss the latest rules and regulations that pertain to us.  As the media we are allowed to get up close to the airplanes on the ramp and at the pylons.  This does not mean we can do as we please.  On the ramp is a aircraft starts its engine we are required to move two planes away immediately and if two or more engines start we have to get behind a no prop turn line, there are no exceptions.  If you violate this rule, your credentials are revoked and you are asked to leave and you will not be invited back...  At the pylons again we are briefed on what we can do and what not to do and you must obey those rules or pay the consequences.  During the jet and unlimited gold races, they declare the ramp sterile (everyone must be off the ramp period)  During 2010 on Sunday Gold Races, the T-6's and Unlimited did not fly due to winds being to high.  Safety was the factor for the pilots and planes.  Now this does not lead me to believe RARA was in anyway unsafe.  The terrible accident on September 16 was due to a mechanical failure which rendered the pilot by preliminary results unable to recover the aircraft which resulted in the aircraft crashing into the box seat area.  A lot of engineering went into calculating the most probable high hazard area is which is why the ramp is sterile for the jets and unlimited gold.  My thoughts and prayers are with the families of all who lost a loved one.  Let us not speculate on who is responsible and let the National Transportation Safety Board do there job in reviewing all the evidence and identifying the root cause and make recommendations based on that.  As far as RARA is concerned, they are dealing with this tragic event as they lost friends as well.  Reno Air Racing Association is a very safety conscious organization.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

On September 16, 2011 a terrible tragedy struck the world famous Reno National Air Races at Stead Airport in Reno Nevada at approximately 4:30 P.M..  A world War 2 Fighter P-51D Galloping Ghost #177 was racing in the Gold heat race.  The pilot Jimmy Leeward was coming around number 8 pylon when something terribly wrong happened to the aircraft causing it ti pitch up and roll and nose into the ground.   Several people on the ground were injured and casualties resulted.  The NTSB is investigating and will release the cause when known.  The sport of Air Racing lost a gentleman and a friend and my thoughts a prayers go out to Jimmy's family as well as the victims of this terrible tragedy.  I will not post any images of Galloping Ghost racing before the accident.  Bye for now.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Well the first day of racing is coming to an end, Here are a few images to have fun with

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Wow what a week so far, some awesome flying and supper airplanes.  Here are some fun pictyres of awesome aircraft of the fourties and now.  Enjoy

Precious metal P-51D with Counter Rotating props Quals 9/14/11 Reno

Formula one start 9/14/11

Formula one race #592 Reno 9/14/11

Pitts S-1S #9 Biplane race 9/14/11

Lady Jo TF-51D Reno Quals 9/14/11

Pitts S-1S #5 Biplane race 9/14/11

#99 Pitts S-1S Reno Biplanes race 9/14/11

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Well folks the Reno Air Races started off with a 499.164 mph record by Strega (P-51D Mustang) followed closely by Voodoo (P-51D Mustang) and Rare Bear (F-8F Bearcat).  Quals are going to schedule and people are jocking for the best spot.  Here are some images for the day.  For you Canon people, I purchased a 2X III.  It worked great with my Canon 40D and the 70-200 IS USM II.

T-6 Baby Boomer

Hawker Sea Fury Furious

Rare Bear Bear Cat

T-28B Bear

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Reno Air Races 2011

Well people it'sgetting close for the 48th annual Reno Air Races in Reno Neveda September 14-18 2011.  There are 6 differents classes of aircraft racing, Formula 1, Biplanes, Sport, Super Sport, Jets, and Unlimted .  The aircraft range from small home built aircraft to WWII fighters powered by radial and piston driven enginges and small jet trainers.  Highly recommend the pit pass for the days you attend because this allows you to get up close to all the aircraft for photo opportunities.  It will be non stop action.  There is always something going wether its racing or flight demonstrations.  I guarantee you will not be bored.  You will need sun block and something padded to sit on if you sit in the bleachers.  I think what amazes me is the unlimted aircraft are from the 1940's era.  These machines saw combat befoe I was born over 60 years ago and they are flying between 400 and 500 miles an hour.  When you see and hear these magnificient machines doing their thing, you will be hooked.  Go and experience a great tradition going on its 48th year.


Monday, January 24, 2011

Reno air races 2010

Ah yes, the famous Reno Air Races, what an experience.  I attended for the first time in 2009 and was blown away.  It was non stop action.  My attempts to get good shots were unsucessful due to my inexperience and equipment.  I was blessed to have been given a opportunity to cover brothers from Billings Montana who crew for a pilot who flew two planes.  I was granted a media pass to accomplish this.  I arrived Tuesday evening to get my credentials and a quick brief.  I was able to see and shot a couple of planes, jets etc. do time trials.  During this time I meet three individuls who later help me capture some really awesome shots.  We later became friends and keep in touch.  They are Andy Martin from Britan, Doug Moulin from New Zeland, and John Jenkins from Saratoga CA.  I was there for 5 full days from 0600 to 1700 hrs or 5 PM.  I was packing two cameras, one was mine, one rented with a 100-400 lens.  I had purchased a Cotton carrier that made my life much easier for carrying the two cameras.  The first two days at the pylons were frustrating and had a little success but with my friends giving tips on how to correct, Saturday and Sunday were more sucessful.  When shooting these types of events, your panning skills need to be honed.  I would seriously suggest going to a rod and gun club and borrow a shot gun and shoot skeet for a few days.  This will be very close to what you will be trying to shoot at the pylons.  Each day had its challenges, lighting, overcast, wind, dust, you name it.  Be prepared to stop and clean your lens when you have the opportunity.  Be sure to have extra batteries and memory cards.  Caution should be used when changing lens, batteries and memory cards.  The environment is extremely dusty.  Monitor closely the memory left and battery charge.  If you are close to filling a card or the battery is getting low, change it before the next race.  Use a ISO setting of 100 and shutter speed of 1/320 sec or less.  For the jets kick the shutter speed up to 1/1000sec and bump up your ISO as well.  Know your camera and at what setting will start to give you noise issues on your image.    During my time there I shot over 5000 images and maybe kept 150 of them.  I wouldn't trade this experience for anything, if you get the opportunity to do this, jump on it and have the time of your life.  The Reno Air Racing Association is a great host and will take excellent care of you.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

First Post

This is a blog featuring the photography of Michael C Jennings.  I promise to keep updating my photos and learnings as a photographer.

My photo galleries are available here.